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电力体制改革的一个关键环节是要在全国范围内逐渐实施输配电价改革。最新颁布的《关于推进输配电价改革的实施意见》等共6份配套文件,遵循了9号文的主旨精神,即“准许成本加合理收益”原则,并提出了较为具体的实施措施。… View Summary +
The EU Commission’s market design communication focuses primarily on the question of whether and how to intervene in support of investment in needed capacity. However, this issue must be addressed within the context of meeting climate and energy targets for… View Summary +
Coal combustion from industrial production is a chief contributor to China’s air pollution and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Despite this known linkage, there is no guide for China’s air pollution officials to assess the degree to which clean energy policies… View Summary +
工业生产燃煤是中国空气污染的主要来源,也成为不断增加的温室气体排放的罪魁祸首。虽然两者的关联度众所周知,但中国尚未规定空气质量监管部门如何评估清洁能源政策以及减少能源消耗能够在多大程度上有助于改善空气质量,减少温室气体的排放。中国“十一五”和“十二五”规划期间实施的《千家企业节能低碳行动实施方案》和《万家企业节能低碳行动实施方案》节省了约4.2亿吨煤炭,但这些节煤与减少空气污染到底有什么关联呢?… View Summary +
Planning for compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) is raising many questions for state regulators. How, for example, will compliance affect voluntary and regulatory renewable energy markets? How can carbon trading under mass-based and rate-based… View Summary +
Achieving important Energy Union policy objectives (including energy security, internal energy market (IEM) completion, and 2030 greenhouse gas abatement targets) will depend on the EU’s ability to develop coherent rules that better align market and climate objectives and facilitate collaboration… View Summary +
RAP’s 2015 publication Smart Rate Design for a Smart Future identifies three key rate design principles for an evolving industry. First, a customer should be able to connect to the grid for no more than the cost of connecting to… View Summary +
States can meet their obligations to the new Clean Power Plan (CPP) with a variety of tools, from shifting generation to developing lower-carbon resources to making energy efficiency investments. One often-overlooked way to comply with the CPP, however, is electricity… View Summary +
This paper, part of a series of primers on the economic, institutional, political, and technological challenges of integrating renewable energy into power systems in China, focuses on electricity system planning. It explores the various electricity planning processes in China, centered… View Summary +
In this response to the European Commission’s public consultation on a new electricity market design, RAP sets out its view on the roles of markets and support policies in the context of the transition to a decarbonised power sector. The… View Summary +
This policy brief details a contestable approach to interconnector investment aimed at introducing new sources of capital to ensure a robust and secure transmission network in Europe. Greater interconnection capacity will also help to meet Europe’s renewable targets more cost-effectively… View Summary +
This policy brief reinforces the need for a regional approach to resource adequacy and highlights the importance of demand-side resources to ensuring reliability and meeting clean energy targets in Europe. Utilizing data from the latest ENTSO-e Scenario Outlook and Adequacy… View Summary +
电力行业耗煤约占中国每年煤炭消费总量的一半。为此,中国要实现空气质量治理方面的宏伟目标,落实在煤炭消费控制、能源效率、可再生能源和碳排放方面的政策,电力行业必须在政策、法规、市场和经营模式方面做出改变。… View Summary +