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Heat pumps, a critical technology for clean energy systems, are becoming the most important technology for heating decarbonisation. Currently, the vast majority of heat is provided by fossil fuels. In order to promote and encourage heat pump installations across the… View Summary +
Beginning in the 1980s, governments around the world introduced market reforms to their electricity supply industries in order to create competition in the production and supply of electricity. A standard textbook approach relied on empowering an independent electricity regulator while… View Summary +
The Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA,, launched at COP26, is an initiative to build capacity for energy regulators as they work to advance toward a clean energy transition. Serving as a resource hub for regulators, RETA’s flagship project,… View Summary +
Part of RAP and ICCT’s Benefits of EVs Through Smart Charging Global Project With economic forces and policy efforts encouraging transportation electrification, it is critical that electric vehicle (EV) demand on the power grid be carefully integrated to avoid unnecessarily… View Summary +
Brazil has excellent experience with policy regarding electricity accessibility. The Luz para Todos program, enacted in 2003, had connected 17.2 million rural Brazilians with electricity by 2023. But in some areas, particularly the Legal Amazon, challenges to electricity access persist. View Summary +
To meet decarbonisation goals, global renewable power capacity will need to more than triple by 2030, according to leading energy agencies. Centralised renewable generation will not deliver this level of change on its own, nor should it. Distributed energy resources… View Summary +
To effectively decarbonize the electric sector, utilities will need to address the growing load shape challenges driven by the variability of many renewable resources. Behind-the-meter solutions, such as energy efficiency, demand response, electrification and storage, will play an important role… View Summary +
There is an increasing interest in the role so-called market-based instruments (MBIs) can play to deliver energy efficiency across the world. Their rising popularity among policymakers owes, in part, to their characteristics. They tend to be less prescriptive than traditional… View Summary +
This report, the first of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, examines the concept of performance-based regulation (PBR) and how it can provide a framework to connect goals, targets, and measures to… View Summary +
This report, the second of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, focuses on best practices for design, development, and implementation of performance-based regulation mechanisms. It begins by laying the groundwork for understanding… View Summary +
This report, the final of three volumes of Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation: Emphasizing Utility Performance to Unleash Power Sector Innovation, focuses on how performance-based regulation (PBR) can be used to navigate an era of rapid technological change in the power sector. View Summary +
Die australische Energiepolitik ist stark polarisiert und befindet sich derzeit in einer Umbruchphase. Während die reichlich vorhandenen Rohstoffe in der Vergangenheit für niedrige Energiepreise gesorgt haben, sind die Endverbraucherpreise für Strom und Gas in den letzten Jahren drastisch gestiegen. Gleichzeitig… View Summary +
Mexico’s energy reform will have far-reaching effects on how people produce and consume electricity in the country. Market liberalization will open the door to an increasing number of options for Mexican residential, commercial, and industrial consumers, and will encourage the… View Summary +
Finding ways to unlock more energy efficiency is a priority for countries looking to meet their energy policy goals. Efficiency is central to making progress on decarbonisation and energy security, while also fostering economic and social development. At the… View Summary +
During this informational webinar hosted by the Pembina Institute, RAP’s Michael Hogan explores what capacity markets are, key design principles, and lessons learned from other jurisdictions. View Summary +