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Für eine kostenoptimierte Integration erneuerbarer Energien in das Stromsystem muss die Flexibilität aller Ressourcen effizient einbezogen werden. Internationale Erfahrungen zeigen, dass der Einbezug der Nachfrage (Lastmanagement) geeignet ist, die Versorgungssicherheit zu vergleichsweise geringen Kosten zu stärken. Bei einer öffentlichen Anhörung… View Summary +
In February 2015, the principle of Efficiency First was formally endorsed by the European Commission within the framework of the Energy Union. Realising Efficiency First within the EU policy and legal framework will require the EU to make an appropriately… View Summary +
In February 2015, the principle of Efficiency First was formally endorsed by the European Commission within the framework of the Energy Union. This policy brief sets out how the Efficiency First principle can help the Energy Union to deliver on… View Summary +
Wholesale electricity prices that reflect scarcity and surplus are pivotal to advancing demand response and storage and, as such, are a means to achieving a cost-effective transition to reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy. However, Europe’s power stakeholders cannot rely on… View Summary +
开展能效项目会产生一定的经济效益,而且可以通过减少当地的燃料消耗或削减火电厂的发电需求,显著地减少空气污染(包括降低温室气体排放的影响)。尽管如此,要充分挖掘具有吸引力的能效项目的巨大潜力,对所有的国家而言,仍然是一项严峻的挑战。这主要是由于体制上的障碍,分散的激励,交易成本过高,需要有技术专家负责项目的确定,对财务收益流或可能的风险认识不足,以及存在其它问题等。… View Summary +
如同中国,美国在提高能效的道路上一直在不断探索。本报告由睿博能源智库专家根据美国各州取得的节能经验为基础,就如何在未来十年内更上一层楼,达到节电量30%的目标而给出建议,报告针对的是美国,我们翻译成中文,希望能为中国的政府部门、研究机构等提供一些新的观点和想法,以推动中国在提高能效方面的工作。… View Summary +
Technological changes in the electric utility industry bring tremendous opportunities and can also create significant challenges. Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and smart appliances and control systems that communicate with the grid can improve system reliability, enable a cleaner and… View Summary +
In a May 19 webinar, RAP’s David Littell and David Farnsworth examined important lessons learned by environmental and energy regulators on how to set up and oversee carbon markets. Drawing from RAP’s primer, “Carbon Markets 101: “How-to” Considerations for Regulatory… View Summary +
In 2009, the European Union adopted high-level goals for renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas reductions with targets set for the year 2020. This was followed in 2012 by adoption of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) (2012/27/EU), a major… View Summary +
The harsh weather and inaccessible geography of rural Alaska communities pose significant energy challenges to the region, including keeping electricity and other energy costs very high compared to the lower 48 and even more populous regions of the state. Many… View Summary +
The harsh weather and inaccessible geography of rural Alaska communities pose significant energy challenges to the region, including keeping electricity and other energy costs very high compared to the lower 48 and even more populous regions of the state. Many… View Summary +
Regulators around the world are faced with complex issues ranging from securing the supply of energy, to meeting public policy objectives and protecting the environment. Current developments in the energy sector present serious challenges for policymakers leading a vital transition—a… View Summary +
The lack of availability of charging stations is often cited as a major barrier to electric vehicle (EV) rollout. Yet charging points are just the “tip of the iceberg”—the power system needs fundamental reforms to maximize the benefits of EV… View Summary +
While utilities may own their own generating stations and power lines for distributing electricity to their customers, much of the operation of these assets occurs through their participation in a regional transmission organization (RTO), sometimes called an independent system operator… View Summary +
Though ongoing legal challenges have delayed the timeline of the U.S. Clean Power Plan, states are continuing to make decisions about how to approach eventual compliance. Among these decisions is whether to pursue market-based approaches—multi-state or regional markets that trade… View Summary +