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Significant progress has been made in the renewable energy sector, with wind and solar power making up a substantial portion of global power production, accounting for almost one-quarter of noncarbon-emitting generation. This is a considerable improvement from just a decade… View Summary +
Accurately forecasting electricity demand in India is imperative for governments, utilities and industries when it comes to investment and planning decisions. Over the years, forecasting has becoming even more challenging as planners must take into account changes in technology, load… View Summary +
As part of the ongoing effort to establish a unified national electricity spot market, in December, China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) issued two draft policy documents, “Electricity Spot Market Basic Rules” and “Measures for the Supervision of the Electricity Spot… View Summary +
Fossil-fueled water heaters represent a significant uncontrolled source of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, which have a variety of harmful environmental effects. RAP developed a model rule for use by U.S. state and local air quality regulators to reduce NOx emissions… View Summary +
State government agencies are becoming aware that there is more that they can do to reach communities that may be underserved by agency programs — communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-and moderate-income communities. This policy brief describes steps that… View Summary +
The rapid and parallel growth in both variable electricity production from wind and solar, and in large inherently flexible loads (such as electric vehicles and heat pumps) presents an opportunity to ensure that each transition is both reliable and affordable. View Summary +
国家能源局近日发布的《电力现货市场基本规则(征求意见稿)》和《电力现货市场监管办法(征求意见稿)》,为达成全国统一市场迈出了重要的一步。这两份文件在许多关键问题上提出了有建设意义的规定——在新能源转型的大背景下,这些市场设计问题在很多国家也已引发了激烈的讨论。… View Summary +
In this third part of our distributed energy resources (DER) in India series, we look at changes to the current distribution company (discom) business models. These models can overcome the financial disincentives DERs often face. Instead, discoms can embrace and… View Summary +
In the past, power market reform happened to increase efficiency, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or to improve reliability and security of supply. Today in Europe, the desire to further change the market stems from the ongoing energy crisis. As… View Summary +
The electrification of road transport is happening – and it is already having a profound impact on the energy system and our cities. As more and more people drive electric, smart charging can ease the integration of the newcomers into… View Summary +
Interruptions in electricity supply – ‘the lights going out’ – make for arresting headlines and capture public attention. Yet it is strikingly rare for any kind of electricity generation shortfall to trigger blackouts: major reliability events are nearly always… View Summary +
在全世界范围内,政策制定者都面临着在电网减碳的大前提下维持电力系统可靠性的难题。当下,随着新技术的诞生和学界及业界对低碳系统的理解加深,电网减碳从电力系统的负担转化为其不可多得的机遇,然而,如何抓住这些机遇来实现电力系统转型仍有一些挑战。各国的政策制定者应继续深化电力系统改革来优化电力市场运行和电力资源规划流程。这一改革可以确保在向经济、清洁的新能源系统转型的同时,整个电力系统的可靠性也得以保障。… View Summary +
The future of heat in buildings is not fossil fuelled. The urgency of the climate crisis, Europe’s 2030 climate targets, the current war in Ukraine and the resulting skyrocketing energy prices all mean we need to massively accelerate efforts to… View Summary +
Heat pumps are widely recognised as the key technology to decarbonise building heat demand in Ireland. To receive grants for heat pumps, homeowners in Ireland are required to have a heat demand per unit of floor area, known as… View Summary +