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Air-to-air systems are air-source heat pumps where the useful heat is distributed into a building as warm air rather than warm water, which is used in radiators and underfloor systems. Such air-to-air systems are already extremely common in commercial settings,… View Summary +

The European energy sector is facing a triple challenge: ensuring a speedy and cost-efficient rollout of renewables, protecting consumers from price shocks and safeguarding security of supply. As the 2022 energy crisis showed, political acceptance of high electricity prices is… View Summary +

Comme dans de nombreux autres pays européens, les bâtiments français dépendent encore fortement des combustibles fossiles pour le chauffage et le rafraîchissement des locaux et la production d’eau chaude sanitaire. Cette situation est préoccupante si l’on considère que ces utilisations… View Summary +

As in many other European countries, France’s buildings still rely heavily on fossil fuels for space heating and hot water production. This is troublesome considering these uses account for more than one-third of the country’s final energy consumption. The move… View Summary +

有关容量补偿机制的讨论正在不断增多,近期发布的《电力现货市场基本规则》中更提到,需要“结合实际需要探索建立市场化容量补偿机制”。然而,我们观察到,设计不当的容量补偿机制可能导致电力资源过度投资次优类资源,无法有效传达对低效资源的淘汰信号,最终导致了部分市场的超额成本和多余排放。因而,在电力系统的转型过程中,如若决定开展容量补偿机制,我们建议对其设计提出明确、谨慎和可控的条件。 … View Summary +

States are increasingly confronting the reality that burning fossil fuels for heat creates cost burdens for their residents, particularly for low-income households and struggling small businesses, while harming health and the environment. Importing those fuels imposes a drain on the… View Summary +

Decarbonisation of heating must accelerate if we are to meet European Union (EU) climate and renewable energy targets and achieve reliable and affordable supply of heat for all. Space and water heating in buildings accounts for around a third of… View Summary +

For over 50 years, a wide variety of reforms has been tried to correct the flaws of traditional methods of utility regulation generally and rate-making specifically. One category of reforms implemented by many jurisdictions to remedy some of those flaws… View Summary +

Dr. S. K. Chatterjee Chief, Regulatory Affairs (RA) Central Electricity Regulatory Authority (CERC) Chanderlok Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi- 110001, India 29 Sept. 2023 Introductory Remarks Dear Dr. Sushanta Chatterjee, Ms. Rashmi Nair, and esteemed members of staff at the… View Summary +

Over the last 10 years Europe has witnessed the growth of capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRMs) — tools intended to provide added confidence of adequate resource when demand is forecasted to peak. RAP has often documented concerns with certain CRM interventions… View Summary +

近年来,西北地区可再生能源发展较快,外送电占比较高,市场主体丰富,在电力行业迅速发展的同时,电力市场改革也取得了很大的进展。然而,中国西北地区与世界上很多国家和地区一样面临着在保障供应的同时进行低碳转型的机遇和挑战。国家能源局西北监管局于2022年底发布了《西北电网灵活调节容量市场运营规则(征求意见稿)》,希望增强区域电网灵活调节能力。我们从国际经验出发,对西北电力市场提出了两点建议,并对部分实施细节展开了一些讨论。… View Summary +

The President Confederation of Indian Industry The Mantosh Sondhi Centre 23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003 The President ASSACHAM 4th Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre & Library Building 01, Jai Sing Road, New Delhi – 110001 The President… View Summary +

For countries with significant proportions of gas in their heating mixes that are looking to decarbonise and reduce exposure to gas imports, there is a major question around how to deal with existing gas distribution infrastructure in an equitable way… View Summary +

随着中国电力行业的迅速发展,能源需求和环境压力的双重挑战也越发受到重视。为了应对这些挑战,需求侧管理被逐渐视为新型电力系统的关键组成部分。今年5月19日,国家发展和改革委员会发布了《电力需求侧管理办法(征求意见稿)》,该文件首次增加了需求响应章节,为需求侧资源的发展提供了更广阔的空间。同时,《办法》也强调了节约用电、电能替代等管理措施的重要性,多管齐下地“推动电力系统安全降碳、提效降耗”。… View Summary +